2000 Toyota Avalon Changing Cabin Filters

Your shop routinely changes vehicle oil, fuel and air filters and occasionally emission filters. But there is another important filter that is often forgotten – the “cabin” or “interior” filter.

Initially, these filters were offered only on the high-end luxury vehicles. Over the past few years, many more vehicles have been equipped with interior air filters. The filtration capabilities range from simple dust filters to nearly HEPA-grade systems with activated charcoal for odor control.

The importance of replacing these filters can vary depending upon the vehicle. On the high-end systems, failure to replace the filters can result in major damage to the interior blower motor and blower control unit. On other systems, a clogged filter will drastically reduce airflow but may take years to damage the blower system due to non-critical internal sealing.

Educate your customers about the importance of changing their cabin filter every 12,000 miles or yearly*. A fresh, clean filter will improve their vehicle’s air quality, HVAC system efficiency and help to avoid expensive repairs in the future. If a vehicle is less than five years old, there is a good chance it has one.

Toyota® introduced a high-efficiency cabin air filter in their 2000 model year Avalon XL® (dealer installed option on XL) and XLS vehicles. To replace the filter, follow the service procedure below.

Service Procedure

(Review safety procedures contained in the ALLDATA® system before beginning)

  1. Remove the glove compartment and under cover.
  2. Remove the airbag harness cover (Do not disconnect airbag harness). Route the airbag harness cover through the vehicle hole.
  1. Remove the four screws and one bolt.
  2. Remove the glove compartment and disconnect the trunk opener switch.
  3. Locate the filter assembly, which is above the blower unit, and remove the filter assembly by sliding it out.
  1. Install a new filter into the reusable filter case. Make sure that the filter assembly is properly secured.
  2. Reinstall glove compartment and all related components.

NOTE: Care must be taken not to pinch the airbag harness when reinstalling the airbag harness cover.

*The above maintenance schedule is based on projected filter life expectancy. Actual filter life may vary depending on prevalent outside air quality.


Toyota® and Avalon® are registered trademark names and model designations of the Toyota Motor Corporation. All trademark names and model designations are being used solely for reference and application purposes.

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