This Year, Resolve to ... Get Organized, Stay Organized
Jan. 15 2017
Jan. 15 2017

Getting organized is one of those things most of us have resolved to do at multiple points, both in our careers and personal lives.

get organized

Whether it’s your professional tool cart or the kitchen junk drawer, we often procrastinate dealing with the issue because it’s hard to know where to start. That’s why we were so excited to run across this article by Tess Collins in Ratchet+Wrench.


Courtesy Vineville Tire Company and Ratcet+Wrench

She describes how Mike Ganus, a technician at Vineville Tire Company in Macon, Ga., took matters into his own hands to get his tools organized using plank foam panels and small boxes. The ROI? “Ganus says that he’s saved a lot of time being organized,” Collins writes, and that “Having to hunt for tools is a big distraction … and it’s disruptive to your concentration.” His solution is so simple, we think you’ll be inspired (we were!) to make a resolution to get organized and stay organized after reading this article.

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