Information Shortcut Menu

ImportantClicking an information type icon in the shortcut menu (D):

  • Will: display the selected information type specifically for the associated component

  • Will not: display sub-components or other information types associated with that component


  1. Horizontal Breadcrumb - Click a link to return to anywhere in the currently selected component's navigation path

  2. Component Filter - Type a search term to filter the component list on this page

  3. Component List - Click a component to display all available information for that specific component and display any additional sub-systems or components

  4. Component Information Shortcut / Filter - Click an icon to filter out and display ONLY the selected information type specifically for the associated component

    • Important: This will not show any sub-component information and will hide other available information types for that component

  5. Information for the Selected Component - View all information related specifically to the currently selected system or component