Product Support

Checking the Subscription Code Expiration Dates

Subscription Option Codes unlock functions in the ALLDATA® RepairSM (DVD) and ALLDATA® ManageSM programs. 

  • Each code unlocks a different part of the program that your shop has subscribed to.

    • If a code expires, your program will stop working correctly.

  • Codes are updated every 6 months along with the biannual SUBSCRIPTION updates, but various situations can interrupt these updates.

To look up the subscription codes and expiration dates:

  1. Close any programs that are open on the computer.

  2. Open ALLDATA Repair (DVD).

  3. Click on Data >> Subscription >> Subscription Information.

  4. The pop-up box lists your ID and Key Date at the top.  The subscription codes and expiration dates are listed below.

    • If any of the expiration dates are in the past, or no codes are entered, your program will not work correctly.

See also Adding Subscription Option Codes.